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Feature Stories


Evolver of the Month


Zuriel Oduwole

The 19-year-old who's been advocating for the education of young people across the world since she was nine.

Read more about Zuriel in our debut print magazine, out April 2022!


Prom season is approaching fast - we've put together a quiz to help you decide on a look for the best night ever!

Looking for sustainable and budget-friendly ways to create your prom look?

Click here to find out more.

Life can be stressful - particularly at this age. Here's a few Evolve-approved ways to de-stress in our latest wellbeing video.


Image by DUSUSU



As the crisis in Ukraine continues, Evolve will provide you with all of the latest news & updates, as well as regularly updating lists of ways you can help out.

Latest Update - 28/03/22



Weekly Poll

Colorful Notebooks

Writing Competition

Here at Evolve, we're passionate about journalism, and we love to hear from new and diverse voices with unique perspectives - including you!

Each month, we will give you a chance to submit an article adhering to a brief (see below), just like we do. We will read through all of your fabulous work and pick a winner, whose work will then be featured on our website and in our next print edition!

March/April Brief

Topic: April Fools

Word count: 300-500


Be as creative as you can!

Start typing in the box on the right, or submit a file below - if you're on mobile, head over to our Contact page to email us your submission.

Good Luck!

Start writing your article here.

Choose File

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Our lovely section headers wouldn't have been possible without the following images from Unsplash.

What's Up?
PHONE by Mike Meyers / NEWSPAPER by Wherda Arsianto / AIRPODS by Nidheesh Kavalan / GLOBE by Gaël Gaborel / PHONE by Dmitry Mashkin / ONE WORLD by Markus Spiske / CLOUDS by Jack Hamilton / EARPHONES by Math / BLM PROTEST by Tito Texidor III / BLACK LIVES MATTER by Chris Henry / POSTERS by Jazmin Quaynor

Get Inspired
PINK by Pawel Czerwinski / VINYLS by Jason Leung / NEON PORTRAIT by Kamil Feczko / FASHION GIRL by Rizky Subagja / ICE CREAM by Ian Dooley / APPLES Estúdio by Bloom / STATUES by Allyssa Olaivar / BOOK by Sincerely Media

Me Myself & I
ABSTRACT by Marvin van Beek / OCEAN by Jeremy Bishop / CANVAS by Steve Johnson / FACE by Brooke Cagle / WOMAN by Joice Kelly / CLIMBING by Yente Van Eynde / LIGHTBULB by Júnior Ferreira / ROCKS by Deniz Altindas / FISH by Sebastian Pena Lambarri / YOGA by Yannic Läderach / AND BREATHE by Daniel Domes

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